Cocktails - June Wild Peach

June tasting


  • 6 cl June Gin Liqueur
  • 15 cl of Tonic

The June experience

June is unique. This flavoured gin liqueur offers a natural, gluten-free alternative going beyond fruit-flavoured liqueurs. Be yourself with June: Show your personality with its unique style, make a statement with its wonderful taste and share it with friends either in real life or on social media.

The June moments

June is perfect for simple, yet not ordinary moments: those moments that you want to share with your close ones either face to face or virtually. These are the June moments

At home for a picnic with friends, sharing a sunny brunch or for a cosy evening: June is here to make your happy moments shine brighter. It will also be with you for those special moments that you just need to simply enjoy.

Serving suggestions

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